Have you ever visited a business or other establishment where security guards are present? If so, you may not have realized the range of skills required to perform the job effectively. To many people’s surprise, security guards must have strong communication skills. When there are potential threats, security guards must address the situation by using their communication skills to de-escalate the situation. If you own a business, contact Port Security Services to learn how our skilled, Unarmed Security Officers can help protect you.
Why is communication critical for security guards?
Oftentimes, individuals neglect to hire security guards with good communication skills. However, this is a huge mistake. Security guards must have strong communication skills to perform their job effectively. One of their main duties is to follow orders. When a security guard is on shift they must be able to understand the orders they receive so they can fulfil their duties. Oftentimes, they work in teams. This means they must communicate important information with their team to ensure they are always on the same page and prepared to respond to any potential threats.
Firstly, security guards are usually the first individuals people see when they enter a business. Therefore, you’ll want to hire security guards that have communication skills that enable them to provide customers with help when needed. When there is an emergency people are quick to panic. They must use their communication skills to calm down frantic individuals. Security guards are responsible for advising all involved parties on the security procedures they must follow. It can be difficult to manage high-stress situations. However, security guards must use their communication skills to calm everyone down and inform them of how to proceed. It is imperative for security guards to explain procedures in a way that people can clearly understand.
In the unfortunate event that emergency services such as EMTs or the fire department are needed, security guards must be able to clearly explain the nature of the emergency to ensure these parties are properly prepared for the situation at hand once they arrive.
Moreover, if a security guard notices something out of the ordinary during their shift, they must report it in order to prevent a potential threat. When they report the incident, they must provide the appropriate parties with descriptive details about every aspect of the situation. Therefore, once the police arrive they will have enough information to respond to the imminent threat.
For more information on how your business can benefit from unarmed security services contact Port Security. Our unarmed security officers are highly trained and skilled at deterring and responding to potential threats. With years of experience, you can trust us to protect your business, employees, and customers.