Why is system hardening important in cyber security?

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Cyber threats have become increasingly complex, causing organizations to adopt new methods to secure their systems and servers. Many companies utilize technology to run their businesses. However, managing complex workloads and operations online can create specific vulnerabilities of cyberattacks as individuals want to unlawfully access data stored on devices as leverage for their gain. One strategy organizations are using to combat cyberattacks is system hardening. Adopting system hardening will leave hackers with fewer opportunities to exploit your servers. If you run a company, it is best to contact Port Security Services to learn how our Cyber Security experts can help you today. Please continue reading to learn how system hardening can safeguard your servers from cyberattacks. 

What is system hardening?

Generally, in the IT world, hardening is the process of securing a system by reducing its surface vulnerability. System hardening is a cyber security method that eliminates gaps and other hidden risks that give attackers a vulnerability to exploit your server. Ultimately, system hardening means doing everything possible to identify and remedy any security vulnerabilities in areas such as hardware, firmware, software, applications, or passwords to prevent cyberattacks. System hardening mitigates the risks of hackers obtaining unlawful access to inject malicious code to hijack your system. System hardening strengthens your overall security and lowers your risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

How can I harden a system?

Fortunately, if you hire Port Security Services, you can leave hardening your system up to our cyber security experts. Essentially, our experts will mitigate the risks of cyber attacks by identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities in your system. This is done by reducing attack surfaces, which may include:

  • Default passwords: In most cases, hackers will use automated password crackers to uncover your password defaults. If the same defaults are used for access to various platforms, this can be a significant issue as hackers can obtain access through different desktops and accounts.
  • Poorly configured infrastructures: When parts of a server’s infrastructure, like the firewalls, switches, routers, or BIOS, are not configured properly, it can cause the system to crash. When a system crashes, it can create dangerous vulnerabilities. Misconfigurations can result in serious data breaches as it provides hackers with access to the infrastructure.
  • Unencrypted network traffic: Hackers can access and gain sensitive information if your server is inadequately encrypted.

There are several attack surfaces that, if left vulnerable, could help hackers gain access to your system. System hardening should be implemented at every level of your systems infrastructure to prevent cyberattacks. If you run a business, it is best to contact an adept cybersecurity expert from Port Security Services who can help you harden your system by finding and fixing any security vulnerabilities.

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